Фото ночного города

Тема ночного города в фотографии доставляет фотографу немало проблем во время съемки, однако это неплохой путь для того, чтобы повысить свое фото-мастерство. К тому же, большинство из нас живут в городах, и поэтому многие из этих сцен легко доступны для съемки. Надеюсь, эта коллекция поможет вам обнаружить несколько новых идей и подарит вдохновение для ночного похода по городу с камерой.


Автор фото Selva


Автор фото R. Motti


Автор фото NumberStumper


Автор фото StuckinCustoms


Автор фото Fernando Sanchez


Автор фото Fr Antunes


Автор фото Michele Catania


Автор фото Mugley


Автор фото Mugley


Автор фото Gilderic


Автор фото Ben Fredericson


Автор фото Josh Liba

NYC had really great cumulus clouds blowing through most of the day, but I was busy at work. I decided to go out later and ended up revisiting this comp with a slightly wider angle—Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground with the Manhattan Bridge and Williamsburg Bridge behind. I think the extra 2mm makes a big difference. I've also gotten better at pulling color out of borderline blowouts. This is the first time I've gotten the reflections in the water to mirror the bridge cables. Maybe I was in the right place or maybe weather conditions were right. Not getting a great star effect on the lights with the Tokina, though. Single exposure / f/13 / 16mm (24mm=) / 30s / ISO 200 Large on black.

Автор фото Andrew Mace

Tribute in Light, which is organized by the Municipal Arts Society, has shined into the New York sky every year on September 11th since 2002 and serves as a very powerful memorial to the people who lost their lives on that day in 2001. It has secured funding for this year and next and I hope they can come up with a way to make it a permanent annual memorial. I took this on Tuesday night when they were doing a test run of the lights. I've taken other photos from this spot recently and thought it would be a fitting place to photograph the memorial. Tribute in Light will shine from dusk this evening until dawn tomorrow morning.

Автор фото Barry Yanowitz

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